In advance of the forthcoming spending review, University College London and the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement approached me to help gather intelligence about how universities are framing the strategic value of Public and Community Engagement (P&CE).
I conducted over forty confidential interviews with senior university leaders and public engagement managers, both nationally and internationally. I also undertook corresponding desk research into institutional strategies and exemplar projects. A crucial part of my brief was to create an inclusive conversation around the project using stakeholder events.
The final report sets out the evolving strategic case for public engagement. It covers:
This work provides individual PE professionals with evidence and insight to leverage internal support. It identifies innovative practices which can be scaled and applied across different contexts.
Bringing people together and getting the most from events online and in person. We bring a wealth of facilitation experience utilising participatory techniques.
Specialising in public engagement and systems thinking our offer includes scoping studies, strategic reviews, evaluation and funding proposals.
We conduct research on themes related to social and environmental justice. Drawing together complex information into a coherent, insightful and compelling narrative.
We offer equivalent ILLM Level 7 accredited coaching, helping you bring attention to the relational dynamics at play, whether at home or at work.